The department of Uzbek language education in foreign language groups is a new department in the system of philological education in our republic. The department was established in 2022. The department trains teachers in the field of "Uzbek language in foreign language groups". Professors-teachers of the department also conduct classes in applied philology, Uzbek language and literature, and publishing. 16 professors and teachers teach at the department, 3 of them are doctors of science (DSc), professors, 9 are candidates of science and doctors of philosophy (PhD), 4 are teachers.
Scientific potential of the department: 75%
According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On approval of the national program for the development of public education in 2022-2026", professors and teachers of the Department of Uzbek language education in foreign language groups have full-time.They conduct weekly training sessions with students of the 2nd-4th grade in the "4+2" order. 4 days of the training sessions will be held at the university, 2 days will be spent in the order of practical training in the largest general educational institutions in Tashkent.
The head of the department is Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Gulshan Asadovna Asilova.
Priorities of the department:
- Orthology - researching the norms of Uzbek literary speech and practical issues of improving it among native speakers;
- Modern lexicography and national terminology - direct the achievements of the theoretical directions of Uzbek linguistics to the solution of national lexicography and terminology problems;
- Psycholinguistics - mastering the Uzbek language and determining the uniqueness of speech activity in the Uzbek language;
- Creation of educational literature that meets modern requirements based on selected literature published abroad;
- Serving to increase the prestige and status of the Uzbek language as a state language and a foreign language;
- Development of new approaches and methods of teaching the Uzbek language as a state language;
- Development of new approaches and methods of teaching Uzbek as a foreign language;
- Creating educational and methodological support of all subjects and delivering them to students on the basis of modern information and communication technologies;
- Creation of multimedia applications for Uzbek language textbooks of secondary schools;
- Creation of intensive Uzbek language teaching courses for foreigners.
Department subjects
Basics of literary editing (BA, course 1)
Modern uzbek literary language (BA, course 1)
Reading culture and expressive reading (BA, course 1)
Orphography and punctuation of the Uzbek language (BA, course 1)
Fundamentals of writing scientific and creative work (BA, course 1)
Psycholinguistic foundations of language learning(BA, course 1)
Uzbek literature (BA, course 1)