World literature and unversal literary studies department !


        The Department of World Literature and Comparative Literary Studies was established at the Faculty of Uzbek Philology of the Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature named after Alisher Navoi on September 6, 2021 by the order of the rector of the university №01-299.  The Department of World Literature and Comparative Literary Studies provides excellent scientific methodology for undergraduate and graduate students on the sources, historical periods, stages, literary methods, currents, types and genres, leading literary figures, their highly artistic works, artistic features, creative methodological skills.  It aims to study the interrelationships of literary criticism with other humanities, natural sciences, and the exact sciences.

 The head of the department is Doctor of Philology, Professor Jorakulov Uzok Khaydaravich 

The staff of the department: 2 doctors of sciences, 1 doctor of philosophy (PhD), 2 teachers

 Scientific potential of the department: 60%

 Priorities of the department

Classification of literary sources on the history and present of Eastern and Western literature.                                                                                                                                         

 Periodization of the history of world literature according to the nature of literary, scientific, theoretical sources and artistic and aesthetic phenomena.                                  

To study the history, essence and nature of literary trends, creative methods, which entered the stage of formation in the XVII century and continued until the XXI century on the basis of examples of world literature.                                 

To provide information about the literary and historical environment of world writers, their biographies, to analyze their works, artistic discoveries on the basis of a clear scientific methodology, theoretical criteria;                                                                    

Comparative coverage of the problems of creative skills, artistic style;                           

Defining the principle of evolution of the history of literary and aesthetic thinking of the peoples of the world, its representatives, the leading scientific and aesthetic criteria;                                                                                                                                             

Coverage of world literature within the framework of the history of literature , the history of literary criticism, scientific and theoretical criteria:                                               

The concept of universal literature, its importance in the study of the aesthetic thinking of the peoples of the world, a comprehensive study of the historical and evolutionary relationship of literature and other humanities, natural and exact sciences.

To bring up today's young generation on the basis of universal enlightenment, spiritual criteria on the basis of comparison of modern western and eastern literature 


Department subjects

World literature (BA, course 4)
World literature (BA, course 3)
Uzbek literature (BA, course 2)
World literature (english (BA, course 4))
Comparative literature (BA, course 3)
Old period world literature and folklore (BA, course 1)