In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 13, 2016 No. 4797 “On the establishment of the Alisher Navo’i Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature”, it was established as the Faculty of Uzbek Language and Literature Education done. Currently, the faculty is called Language and Literature Education.
The faculty prepares specialists in the field of education 6011140 - Uzbek language and literature. These specialists are pedagogues in general secondary schools and special secondary educational institutions, independent researchers at the Institute of Uzbek Language, Literature and Folklore of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan and other branch research institutes, established in foreign countries to increase the effectiveness of the spiritual and educational work of teachers in Uzbek language courses, centers of Uzbek language and culture, mass media, state administration bodies, other state and non-state institutions, heads of ministries and organizations, “They carry out professional activities as consultants on issues of ensuring compliance with the Law on the State Language”.
According to the decree on the establishment of the university, the main tasks of the faculty of language and literature education are to train highly qualified pedagogues who have thoroughly mastered the Uzbek language and literature, its characteristics, modern educational technologies, and meet the requirements of the time, and it is decided to carry out scientific research on new and effective methods of teaching Uzbek language and literature in general education schools and academic lyceums, higher education institutions, and wide introduction of advanced pedagogical technologies.
Uzbek language and literature are taught not only during the day, but also in correspondence and evening forms. All this once again confirms the important role of the faculty in the philological education system of our republic.
The faculty has 3 departments:
There is a total of 18 professors-teachers in the department of Language education, 1 of them is a doctor of science professor, 7 are candidates of science. The professors and teachers of this department are the authors of “Mother language” and “Uzbek language” textbooks for general education schools, a number of textbooks for Presidential and creativity schools, and national curricula. Among the professors, K. Mavlonova, Sh. Tursun were awarded with the “Excellence of Public Education” badge.
The department of Uzbek literature education has 12 professors, 3 of them are doctors of science, 4 are candidates of science. Roza Niyozmetova, Saodat Qambarova, Mahfuza Toychiyeva, Dilfuza Tokhliyeva from the professors of this department are the authors of a number of textbooks, training manuals and monographs throughout our country.
26 professors work at the Uzbek language and literature department. 8 of them are doctors of science, 7 are candidates of science. The head of the department is an expert pedagogue, analyst Qozoqboy Yuldoshev, and famous scientists such as Hamidjon Hamidiy, Marguba Abdullayeva, Nusratulla Jumaxoja, Hashim Ahmedov, Muhayyo Hakimova, Zulkhumor Mirzayeva are working in the department. The Faculty's relations with foreign countries and scientific organizations are also strong, and in cooperation with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the “Anchor Workshop” online educational program is organized as part of the four-year “Educational Program for Perfection” seminar will be organized. 12 professors of the faculty have lectured at foreign HEIs ranked among the top 1000 in the international ranking, professor of the Department of Uzbek language and literature, Ph.D. Through the FEP program, Zulkhumor Mirzayeva had the opportunity to improve her qualifications in the field of Literature at one of the prestigious universities of the United States, Arkansas (Arkansas Universty) in August-January.
The faculty team participates in various international and national scientific projects. In particular, the international project “Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Program” (2020-2023) on the topic “Promotion of the Uzbek language and literature abroad, the issue of translations of Alisher Navoi’s works into English” in cooperation with Eötvös Loránd University of Hungary (2020-2023), “Creating a language-didactic platform of Turkish languages” , “Increasing the quality of Uzbek language teaching in general secondary schools”, “Creating an educational corpus of the Uzbek language” are among them.
Famous scholarship holders, winners of the “Student of the Year” competition, and prize winners of the “Young Reader” republican competition study at the faculty. 49 professors and teachers, including 12 doctors of science, 18 candidates of science, conduct scientific and pedagogical activities at the faculty. The professors and teachers of the faculty are recognized specialists in the field of Uzbek language and literature education not only in our republic, but also in foreign countries. Currently, four of our faculty members are members of the Writers’ Union of Uzbekistan.
Dean of the Faculty: Doctor of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Marguba Abdullayeva Dustmurodovna in the 2023/2024 academic year 6011140 – Uzbek language and literature from general professional and specialized subjects for graduating students of the undergraduate education course (Current Uzbek literary language , Uzbek literature, methodology of teaching Uzbek literature, methodology of teaching mother tongue) final state certification tests will be held.