The educational-methodical department
Date of birth: 23.11.1987
Nationality: Uzbek
Contact: +998 71 281 45 17
Reception days: 9:00 - 18:00
- Ensuring and monitoring the fulfillment of laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Education, Decrees, Resolutions and Orders of President, Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers, Resolutions, orders, letters, modemograms and telephone messages of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education, as well as resolutions of the University Council and orders of the rector in faculties, departments, divisions;
- Familiarizing professor-teachers and students with the content of decrees and resolutions adopted by the President and the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
- Ensuring the implementation of “the Law on Education”, the requirements of the State Educational Standards in the educational process and the organization of educational work;
- Ensuring the fulfillment of the educational curricula in faculties and department;
- Analyzing the reports on educational process by departments;
- Ensuring development of appropriate activities, plans and their fulfillment on the basis of cooperation with all faculties and departments on issues aimed at further improvement of the educational process;
- Supervising all activities and staff of the department;
- Ensuring development of work plans of the educational-methodical department and their fulfillment.
Uzbekistan State World Languages University, Tashkent,BA
Uzbekistan State World Languages University, Tashkent, MA in Linguistics (French)
Work experience:
2006 – 2010
Uzbekistan State World Languages University, Tashkent, undergraduate student
2010 – 2012
Uzbekistan State World Languages University, Tashkent,
Master student
2012 – 2013
Uzbekistan State World Languages University, the department “Methods of teaching languages ”, a teacher
2013 – 2014
Uzbekistan State World Languages University, the deparment of “theory and practice of French”, a teacher
2014 – 2018
Uzbekistan State World Languages University, Republican Scientific and Practical Center for the Development of Innovative Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages, the Department of Development of Media Educational Products, Research Associate
2018 – 2020
Alisher Navoi Tashkent State Uzbek Language and Literature University, The faculty of Translation theory and practice,
Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs
2020 – up to now
Alisher Navoi Tashkent State Uzbek Language and Literature University, The faculty of Translation theory and practice,
Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs
Current workplace:
Alisher Navoi Tashkent State Uzbek Language and Literature University, Head of the educational-methodical department
The educational-methodical department
The educational-methodical department is a structural unit of the university management structure, which coordinates the organization of educational work at the university on the basis of state educational standards and other educational documents.
Aims of the department
The department organizes, supervises and manages the educational process for bachelor’s and master’s degrees in accordance with the curricula and programs assigned by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Duties of the department
- Ensuring and monitoring the fulfillment of laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Education, Decrees, Resolutions and Orders of President, Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers, Resolutions, orders, letters, modemograms and telephone messages of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education, as well as resolutions of the University Council and orders of the rector in faculties, departments, divisions;
- Familiarizing students with the content of decrees and resolutions adopted by the President and the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
- Ensuring the organization of educational work in accordance with state educational standards;
- Ensuring the fulfillment of the educational curricula in faculties and department;
- Supervising all activities and staff of the department;
- Improving the quality of lessons, ensuring and monitoring the fulfillment of individual work plans of teachers;
- Developing proposals for the efficient use of classrooms, improving the technical equipment of classrooms and laboratories;
- Providing and analyzing annual reports of faculties and departments;
- Preparation for the academic year and ensuring the development of an annual curricula for the educational process;
- Ensuring and supervising the distribution of workhour in the faculties and departments correctly and in accordance with existing regulations;
- Using efficiently facilities at the University;
- Ensuring the availability and storage of documents related to the educational process;
- Organization of the process of creation, translation, provision of textbooks and teaching materials in all faculties;
- Ensuring training, retraining and advanced training of teachers and specialists, the development and implementation of plans for professional development of teachers;
- Providing al faculties and masters department with curricula (working curricula);
- Ensuring the organization of student training and internships;
- Ensuring the implementation of modern methods for assessing student knowledge;
- Ensuring the implementation of modern methods and tools for independent learning of students;
- Ensuring timely sufficient preparation of issues related to the educational process in accordance with the plan of the University Council;
- Providing information and reports on the activities of the department to the Ministry in time and in established procedure;
Rights and responsibilities of the department:
Interacting with the executive organs, as well as university faculties, departments on issues within the competence of the department in accordance with the established procedure, and the unconditional fulfillment of the tasks set in the regulation of the department.